set boxwidth 1 set style fill solid 1.0 set xrange [7:47] set yrange [-30:17] set ytics -30, 5 set key off set ylabel "Percent change versus expected Kerry votes" set xlabel "Green bars = E-Touch results, 2004; Red bars = Op-scan results, 2004\nCyan bars, ET-county results 2000; Magenta bars = OS-county results 2000" set x2label "Results broken down by number of voters in each county\n" set grid set tmargin 4 unset xtics set x2tics border ("All counties" 2, \ "< 50,000" 11, \ "50,000 to\n100,000" 19, \ "100,000 to\n200,000" 27, \ "200,000 to\n300,000" 35, \ "> 300,000" 43) ##set x2tics 0, 5, 100 plot "elec_04_2000_out2_deltas.txt" using 1:2 with boxes fs 2, \ "elec_04_2000_out2_deltas.txt" using 3:4 with boxes fs 1, \ "elec_04_2000_out2_deltas.txt" using 7:8 with boxes fs 5, \ "elec_04_2000_out2_deltas.txt" using 9:10 with boxes fs 4